Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 9:36 pm
"Good evening everyone. I have two questions. As a ""newbie"" to this VA, if I understand correctly, I have to wait until I receive my website password to be able to fly my 1st probationary flight. Is this correct? Just wondering since I have not gotten my password yet, altho it's only been a few days. 2nd question is regarding FSFlight Keeper. I was a beta-tester for this nice software, so I have a registered version. One of the entries needed to be put in the setup for flight filing is an SMTP along with your email address. Good ol' MSN doesnt offer the POP3 (or SMTP) options unless you want to pay extra for them. Of course, this is ""to help control spam"", as I was told. Sheesh. Anyway, does the VA REQUIRE you to have the SMTP/POP3 servers to be able to use FSFK? If so, I'll not be able to use it. Thanx! -Rick Schaefer"