Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:44 am
Is FS9 compatible with Win 7? just had to lash out for a new PC, as the other one gave up the ghost ! left ear still throbbing from Managements reaction !
A Virtual Airline for Polar and Atlas Air
Thanks John, I noticed that GCP problem you were having , I,m going to try FSX , it didn,t work very well on my last machine, but this is 64 bit as opp to 32bit with 4 gig of Ram so hopefully I can get my MD11 out and the others, the only one I haven,t got for FSX was the 757/200. As for the permissions thing it is a pain in the proverbial, as were the hometown decisions in the 4 Nations between Uk and OZJohn Khan wrote:Hey Mike
Yup, mine works well. There are some things with Win 7 such as those bloody "Permission" things where, when you go to change something, it says you have to have permission for the particular folder or file. These can be done by right clicking, select "Properties" and then "Edit", to change it.
I havn't had it for long but it seems to be good.
Might be the time to put in an extra HD, maybe for FSX? Mine works well but I found some things with that aswell. Refer to the post "Not working" in the GCP Forum.