hi jason,
no the online mode in GCP means that GCP is connecting to globecargos website and nothing to do with whether you are on vatsim or not,
when you say you pressed yes in the morning do you mean in the user settings??
if so then just leave that set to YES all the time,,once GCP is setup then you shouldnt really have to go into user settings very often if at all
even if you do your whole flight offline you would have GCP in online mode so then it connects to the website for the flight map and maybe other things in the background for management to look at,
how many coffee breaks you had and the like
if you look in C/programfiles/globecargovirtualairlines/globecargopirep/logs ther should be a txt file that logs all your flight details,if you find it then send it to your RM manager at globe depending on what area you were assigned too and he can add the hours manually for you, although i did that the other day for that flight KJFK/KKORD we did when i forgot to send the pirep as i was helping you out on chat but am still waiting for my hours to be added.
and also if you switched it t6oo offline mode then im not sure what will be in that txt file.
as for the bidding if you do nothing then the system will allocate you one flight,or if you do bid on upto 5 i think you can you will recieve an email tell you what flights you bid on successfully and in that email will be the dates on which your meant to fly them.
again i think as long as you fly your bid flights within the same month as they are supossed to be flown as john posted above then thats fine.
you dont have to fly them on exactly the time and date attached to the flight,as we all have realworlld commitments,so you could have a flight that is shcedulded to depart at 0600z from wherever but there is nothing stopping you flying that flight at 2100z or even on a different day or whenever..
hope thats as clear as mud for you
and will see you online very soon hopefully
any other questions fire away
regards Terry