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Flight Booking - Expiry

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 8:43 pm
by Tom Oquila

I'm happy to have been accepted in this virtual airline. I'm impressed by the professionalism and am looking forward to "haul some boxes". I have a question about booking flights. Since I missed the bidding window, I can only book assignments, and that's totally fine. In the Pilot Manual it says to book an open-board flight if you are certain it will be completed- on the booking page I see an expiry date.

Can I book a flight and fly it in 2 or 3 days or will I receive penalty points or do I have to fly the flight within a certain time frame not related to the expiry date?

I just want to make sure before I book so I don't mess anything up :)

Re: Flight Booking - Expiry

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 8:51 pm
by AmundRe
Welcome Tom!

To answer your question, once you book an open board flight, you have 48 hours to begin the flight. If you fail to start the flight within 48 hours of booking the flight you'll be assessed 2 points penalty. In the PM there is a limit given for the number of points you can accrue before negative action is taken, but I don't remember off the top of my head unfortunately. Best bet is to book the flight the day you intend to fly the route. That way if something happens and you can't fly that day, you still have 24 more house to work with.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

Re: Flight Booking - Expiry

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 9:05 pm
by Tom Oquila
Thank you, that helps a lot and I will do that. The flights on the open board are also flights for that actual day and the following day only, if I understood that correctly.

Yes, you're right, I remember now that it's 6 points total before you're put on the bench.

Thanks again!

Re: Flight Booking - Expiry

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 11:43 am
by Gollum65
Yes, it is 6 points, and the penalty is simply that when the next bid window opens you aren't allowed to bid on flights. The points eventually expire over time so you would again be able to bid once they do. Even with 6 points and the bidding penalty you can still book open board flights. But of course, if you continue to book them and not complete them you'll continue to accumulate points.

The easiest way to ensure you don't get points against you is to book when you're ready to fly. Or at the worst, fly the day you book. Right now, due to our scheduling system not interfacing with the real world schedule correctly, we have duplicates of every flight every day on our schedule, so there's no worry of someone else booking a flight you want to fly. Of course we're working on solving that duplication issue, but for now it's still there.

And welcome aboard Tom!

Re: Flight Booking - Expiry

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 11:57 am
by Tom Oquila
Thanks for the welcome and clarification Paul, I appreciate that.

Another question I have is regarding payload. Is it in KG or LBS? I see a flight of a 763 with a payload of 105,000. I checked the payload manual in regards to that. Seems like LBS in this case.

Re: Flight Booking - Expiry

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 8:51 am
by Gollum65
Our aircraft have different configurations because we got them from different companies. Best thing to do is go on Discord and ask about specific tail numbers. There are other staff members who are more familiar than I am and will be able to answer you quickly.