NOTAM: Online (Vatsim/IVAO) Callsigns
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:31 am
"When flying online with Vatsim or IVAO, callsigns shall be the pilot's GC Pilot Number. For example, no matter what flight I am actually operating, say PO602, my callsign on Vatsim/IVAO will be Polar 1040 (1040 being my GC pilot number). At least Vatsim does not allow duplicate flight numbers when logging on to their system. If another pilot was also flying PO602 and logged on before me I would be unable to connect until I changed my flight number. Using your GC pilot number will avoid this issue. All other references to the flight number shall be to the flight you are operating. Enter, in the case of my example, PO602 in FSACARS or FSFK."