Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:40 pm
"This month Pilot 1196 <a href='' target='_blank'>Luc Chevol </a>has been inducted into the Hall of Fame. Congratulations Luc on a job well done. [attachmentid=377] 58 years ago I was born in the French province of Alsace where I studied law. After my military service in the French Alpen troups I moved to Canada. I lived 7 years in Montreal and became a glider pilot. I am still a member of the Montreal Soaring Council based in Hawkesbury, Ontario, a great gliding club! I continue to fly in France, at Bailleau near Chartres, and I have now done 1,300h in gliders and motor gliders. I lived in Paris for a while and then moved to Chad in Africa, where I worked for over 3 years on drought relief operations with a large international organisation (one with a cross?). In 1989 I was called back to headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and I have been there since. I am married to a former opera singer so, most of the time, I fly with Wagner or Verdi! Sometimes I find it nice to be able to listen to Vatsim controllers instead?We have no kid but I have a great nephew who left school at 14 and worked his way up to become a DC10 captain, now with a Japanese company based in Honolulu. They are getting rid of the DC10s and, next week, he flies to Denver and then Tokyo for a 12 weeks training course on? the 742 classic! I started flight simming over 12 years ago with a 386 PC (30 megas hard drive?) + ATP and then FS4 etc. When done seriously this is a fantastic hobby and it improves my real flying. I greatly love our RFP 742s, they are no easy toys to master and this makes them really interesting. They are certainly more demanding than very modern airplanes requiring pilots to follow a magenta line? My other hobbies are mountain hiking and skiing. Cheers, Luc Chevol-Voeltzel"