Hall of Fame
Moderators: Staff, HR, Flight Ops
- www.meble-kuchenne.warszawa.pl
"As you know, each month a new member is inducted into our Hall of Fame based on the quality of flying he/she has exhibited over the past 30 days. It is always a close race between many pilots for this honor but only one per month can be selected. This month the <a href=""http://www.globecargo.org/hall_of_fame.htm"" target=""_blank"">Pilot Inducted </a>into the Hall of Fame can be seen by clicking this link. This link displays the original frame that was used when we first started the Hall of Fame. The Gold Wings Certificate that was being used and sent to each pilot inducted has been cancelled and will not be used in the future. You can also get more information on this months award and past months pilots by viewing the Hall of Fame forum section."
Last edited by globecar on Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:37 am, edited 1 time in total.