PMDG Update

Here is where the coffee machine and Coke machine are kept. Please clean up after yourself and do not remove the magazines from this area. A good place to exchange thoughts with Operations personel and other pilots.

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Re: PMDG Update

Post by phil747fan »

Fassam wrote:Is it a fairly popular additional piece of kit for airlines?

I fly with a few different carriers here in Europe and have never noticed them, however thats not to say they are not there! Especially as I have absolutely zero detective and observation skills lol!

Lee it was very popular ...!!! for some specific airlines like Air Inter i think of SAS too with their DC9- MD but it was because at that time it was less expensive to make the crew operationnal on CATIII without autoland than make the aircraft and the crew operationnal and certified in full autoland certification.

even if the new systems coming are a little pricey for companies and ops im pretty sure they ll win on HUDs and it will cost less to operate this. than having whole the crew and aircraft fully certified.

plus of course few airports got the cat III so that s mean with hud you re cutting that aspect too...

but will see in the future how is it in operations.

have a good day


Re: PMDG Update

Post by peter »

I just downloaded the new 747-8iF - the sound package is great - i like the look as well. - nice little upgrade.
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