Globe Cargo management is pleased to announce the induction of Captain John Khan #1806 into the GCVA Hall of Fame!
John has demonstrated dedicated support of Globe Cargo Virtual Airlines by his regular presence on the forums often answering questions before anyone in management is able to read them. Management appreciates these efforts! Congratulations John! You may download your certificate at the bottom of this post where it is presented in very large format. The large format will allow you to downsize the certificate to fit your needs if you wish to print it.
Attached are a photo of John and a short statement which he prepared for the acceptance of this award:
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Captain John Khan #1806
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First, I would like to thank the Globe Cargo Management for my selection into the Hall of Fame, which I am honoured to accept.
I originally joined Globe Cargo way back when I first got the RFP 747-200 for FS2002. My number then was 1404. I left after a year or so due to work and other commitments. As soon as I felt it was right to join a VA, I asked to come back here and was accepted. Since then, and with the advent of the PMDG 744s we have gone from strength to strength and I'm sure this will continue. The recruiting used to be very restricted, and I remember people from other VAs I had been at, asking how to get into this one. I am so pleased that it seems to be much more open now and we are getting some people who have a great knowledge of, not only cargo operations in a Virtual system, but in real life operations, and with real flying experience as well. i look forward to the future here
Congratulations John, very nice surprise! John and I had a conversation on Skype the other day and we both found it is an excellent way to communicate. The quality of the lines between Europe and Australia was fantastic. I'll talk to you soon again, John.
Luc Chevol-Voeltzel
pilot #1196
Geneva, Switzerland
I was suprised to get the email from Justin and Michel, and really appreciate the thought. I'm not very technical when it comes to these things, but do know a bit about the practical side.
Enjoy Globe Cargo everyone. and I'm sure we all appreciate the work and time the management put into this VA.