So there i was 11000 feet descending to 3000ft 20nm from RJAA after a gueling 12+ hr flight from Chicago and guess what happens ...POWER FAILURE!!!!! both computers way to retrieve the flight...noooooooooooooo ...ever seen a grown man cry? i'm glad my kids weren't around ...well KORD to RJAA flight 703 will leave again tonight at 0245 local with one PO'ed Captain
"Yeah I bet that hurt, Hate when that happens when your nearly there too makes it worse, I did a flight from EDDF - SAEZ and was on downwind and it crash just another few minutes to go. Anyway Have a better flight this time."
"it certainly did Mike...when it happened i ofcourse started cursing like a my wife comes downstairs looking at me like i got three heads...""why do you play that silly game"" she says...i told her it keeps the voices in my head quiet ...i don't think she got the joke...mumbled something about an appointment with a psychiatrist "
OK Takeoff checklist complete...T/O power set.............V1.....rotate......V2...positive rate/gear up....lets hope i make it this time!!!!...see you in the skies fellas
OK NOW I'M TICKED...eveything was just peachy until...i don't know if anyone noticed...the fsacars live map went south and guess what went bye bye with guessed it FSACARS...that'll teach me to fly with the online option enabled!!!!!!!...ok one more time