Here is where the coffee machine and Coke machine are kept. Please clean up after yourself and do not remove the magazines from this area. A good place to exchange thoughts with Operations personel and other pilots.
"I thought I'd give you an update on my real world airline training. I have finished Indoc and systems training with 1 class day of review left. Tuesday is the final exams. I have 3 tests to do that day: aircraft limitations, memory items (thankfully we need to have memorized verbatum only 9 procedures on this plane such as uncommanded thrust reverser deployment), and finally systems. After the competion of those exams I will have several days off before beginning Cockpit Procedures Training (CPT). The CPT's are done in a computerized mock-up of the panels made of touch screen monitors for pushing buttons and flipping switches. The intent is to practice flows, checklists, and standard callouts in a crew setting. There are 3 CPT sessions which are 4 hours each. Then the oral exam. When I complete that I go to the simulators at which time I'll probably give another update. Justin"
"Oh, man, I gotta back Justin on that one! I took NW down to Mexico and back, Tulsa-Memphis-Cancun last October, my oh my, the only one half decent was on the CRJ coming back to KTUL! I got a feeling that many of the FA's are not what they used to be these days no matter where you look though... "