NOTAM to all VATSIM VA Partners:
Dear all
VATSIM - - MOST IMPORTANT:: Cease & Decist Emails
It has come to VATSIM's attention that a number of our VA Partners have received an email from David Matherson who claims to be a lawyer from a Canadian law firm, demanding that VATSIM logos and copyrighted materials, (amongst other things) are removed.
On consultation with the VATSIM Legal Department, (the real one) it has transpired that these requests are NOT made on behalf of VATSIM and as such they are bogus and should be ignored. Unfortunately an ex-VATSIM member is wishing to find new ways to disrupt our service and this is the latest attempt; he has no legal leg to stand on, and as such you can rest assured that no Cease and Decist order is being made against you or your VA by
You are kindly requested to keep the VATSIM links & logos, and all references to VATSIM you already make in place. All enquiries should be made directly to Kyle Ramsey, VATSIM Vice President Pilot Training at this address:
On behalf of VATSIM & the VASOAT we wish a very merry festive period and a happy new year.
Yours Sincerely
Callum McLoughlin
Director of VA Relations | Network Supervisor
Office of the VP VAs and SOAs
Contact the VASOAT:
Skype: callummcloughlin
ATTN Staff, Fake VATSIM Cease and Descist emails
Moderators: Staff, HR, Flight Ops
ATTN Staff, Fake VATSIM Cease and Descist emails
some fool is trying to play lawyer. you can ignore this email if you have received it. heres the NOTAM from VATSIM
Re: ATTN Staff, Fake VATSIM Cease and Descist emails
Thanks for the heads up. I received this email from VATSIM also and GC has not received the cease and decist email that is referenced.
Justin Erickson, Captain #1040
Chief Executive Officer
Globe Cargo PIREP (GCP) Developer
Vatsim ID: 871725
Chief Executive Officer
Globe Cargo PIREP (GCP) Developer
Vatsim ID: 871725