A Polar & Atlas Air Virtual Airline

Globe Cargo News

Charter Operations Update

The Charter system has undergone a small update. Most of the updates are to the administration pages staff uses to generate and maintain the offered charter flights.

There are some changes on the public side that you will notice. First, the method to access the charter board has been simplified. Go to Flight Operations->Charter Operations.  Since the shutdown of Titan, there is no longer a need to separate the charter systems. The charter side of our operation is now branded as Charter Operations.

Second, the flight reservation system has been fixed. We found that the feature had been broken. You may request a specific flight be built and staff can designate that flight to be reserved for you. No other member has the ability to select that flight. An example of these flights are in the images below.

Lastly, there is a display of all the charter flights that have been completed in the last 30 days. There are 4 sections to the Charter Operations display page. From top to bottom you will see these sections: Charter Operations NOTAMs, Available Flights (including a filter system), Completed Flights (Last 30 days), and Booked Flights.

There are 3 types of special flight notations in the Available Flights display.  The image below shows each of those which are (from top to bottom): a flight reserved for another member, a flight reserved for you, and a highlight flight. The highlight flight is a flight which we want to bring attention to as it has a higher priority to be completed. You'll see flights such as the Operation Deep Freeze charters appear as highlight flights.

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Realism Project: Phase 1 Release – January 1, 2025

Phase 1 of the Realism Project is largely a Pilot Manual update.

The changes in the PM require pilots to submit a report for certain events. The list of events requiring a report is in Chapter 6, Flight Operations Reports.

Access the Flight Operations Reports form on the website by going to Flight Operations -> Reports.

The form will present the required information as well as the ability to send yourself a copy of your report to your email address on file.

Additionally, Phase 1 begins to address the high number of hard landings we are seeing in PIREPs. Look at the requirements following a hard landing in Chapter 6, Hard Landings.

These changes become effective on January 1, 2025 when the updated PM is uploaded.

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Realism Project

Today we are excited to introduce the Realism Project. 

You may recall that some time ago we closed Titan Charters citing our desire to get our operation back to something more realistic. The Realism Project is a large part of obtaining that goal.

The Realism Project is a multi-phase development process. The phases range in amount of realism added and complexity of development. The phases and major development features are: 

  • Phase 1: Proposed January 1, 2025. Estimated January 1, 2025 

    • Pilot Manual update requiring reports in specific circumstances. 

  • Phase 2: Proposed TBD, Estimated TBD 

    • Developing a Flight Operations Manual (FOM), using FAA required chapters. The FOM will replace the Pilot Manual.

    • Flight Release training. 

  • Phase 3: Proposed TBD, Estimated TBD 

    • Systems training for each aircraft type. 

    • Flight Operation Quality Assurance (FOQA) 

      • FOQA is a real-world program that downloads Flight Data Recorder data from as many flights as possible (we will have a 100% capture rate). This data is de-identified and used only for trend monitoring. This means that we can detect areas of most needed improvement which can change over time. 

  • Phase 4: Proposed TBD, Estimated TBD 

    • Type Ratings 

    • Company Flight Manual (CFM) for each aircraft type 

As you can see, all phases except Phase 1 have “To Be Determined” timelines. Once a phase is complete, we will begin developing the next phase. Once into the development of the next phase we will have a better idea of how long it takes to complete it and update the proposed and estimated dates. 

Preparations will begin soon for Phases 2-4 to include some volunteer postions. Watch future news articles for information about positions when they are posted. 

We will keep you updated on development progress during each phase of the project. 

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Operation Deep Freeze Update, FEB 02, 2025.

New tasking from vUSAF on Operation Deep Freeze repositioning. As events begin to prepare for return from the ice GCVA will once again be asked to help with the return of tons of equipment and personnel. There are several flights on the CHARTER BOARD now and more will be added as needed. Keep an eye on the Charter Board.

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Project Update: Dispatch System

We would like to provide an update on the progress of our Dispatch project. As many of you are aware, recent changes to SimBrief’s terms of service have required us to adjust our approach. Under the new terms, each SimBrief user must perform calculations through their own account. This adjustment has necessitated a review and revision of our existing code, which has taken longer than initially anticipated.

While the project has faced several challenges, we are pleased to report that most of the major hurdles have been overcome. In addition to addressing these issues, we have also decided to incorporate a new feature with GCP, enabling pilots to generate flight plans independently when dispatchers are offline.

The project is currently approximately 90% complete. Our team is working diligently with our web developer to finalize the GCP integration. At this stage, we are unable to provide a specific completion timeline, as additional challenges may arise.

Thank you for your continued patience and support as we work to bring this project to fruition.

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