A Polar & Atlas Air Virtual Airline

Globe Cargo News

GCPv2.3.3 Available

Globe Cargo PIREP v2.3.3 is now available on the Downloads page.

There are many changes and additions. Read the forum post for a complete list of changes:Forum Post

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TeamSpeak Server Upgraded

The TeamSpeak server was upgraded to TeamSpeak 3. Your TS2 client which worked on our previous server will no longer work with the GC server.

Please upgrade your client to TS3. You may still have installed and use TS2 on the same machine if you need it for a server other than GC.

Read the details: Forum Post

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New Charter System

A new charter system has been released.

Most of the system is improved behind the scenes in terms of automation. There are some significant improvements in the user side such as being able to reset your own flight.

For the full details, read:Forum Post

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Atlas Air Passenger Operations

The April schedule as arrived in our inbox and we are pleased to announce that passenger service will begin on April 19th.

Thanks to Bodo for painting the two aircraft which are complete and will be made available shortly before the first flight on the 19th. The repaints are available for FS9 and FSX.

The flights are operated exclusively between IAH (Houston, TX: KIAH) and LAD (Luanda, Angola: FNLU).

Look for these flights on the bid for April. The flights are very limited so they will go fast!

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Globe Cargo PIREP v2.3.2

The new update to GCP is now available on the Downloads page.

Go to the GCP forum for the full list of fixes and enhancements.

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